Monday November 17, 2014

Mama’s Successful Business

Prior to receiving the loan, the women of the group were trained on basic business management and group leadership skills.

Mama Dahaba Salat is 52 years old and mother of 9 children. She is from the Eldas sub-county, Wajir and is the Chair of a women’s group that benefit from a micro-loan prorgramme established by Islamic Relief In July 2014, Mama Dahaba received an interest-free loan, which combined with with her savings, enabled her to open a cosmetics shop.

“I run a cosmetics shop courtesy of micro credit loan provided by Islamic relief. I am now an entrepreneur here in Eldas, and 

I am very proud that I can afford something like this shop, even though I am a woman!”  says Mama Dahaba.

Mama Dahaba tells us that the loan has given her a chance to provide for her close family and well as her extended family. The extra income also enables her to help her sister and their mother who needs special care because of her old age. Prior to receiving the loan, the women of the group were trained on basic business management and group leadership skills. These skills have proved very useful as they are now able to manage their businesses effectively and professionally.

“After the training by Islamic Relief, I did my own research and I realized a gap and the need for cosmetics shop. Now my business is making good returns and this has given me the chance to make profit and remit the monthly instalments as expected of me.”  Mama Dahaba explains.

She hopes that with the continued microcredit support from Islamic Relief, she will eventually be able to expand the business to the whole of Eldas sub-county and then even further beyond Wajir County.

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