Monday January 12, 2015

Improved Method of Food Aid for Syrians

As part of our support for Syrian refugees in Jordan, Islamic Relief has been distributing monthly WFP vouchers, which enable the poorest families to purchase food staples in local markets.

Protracted conflict in neighbouring Syria has driven at least 620,000 people across the border to Jordan. Many have left everything behind, and rely on humanitarian aid to meet even their most basic needs. As part of our support for Syrian refugees in Jordan, Islamic Relief has been distributing monthly WFP vouchers, which enable the poorest families to purchase food staples in local markets. Maintaining dignity and improving efficiency To speed up the renewal process; the vouchers have recently been replaced with Master e-cards. The new cards are especially effective for beneficiaries – many of whom are elderly or disabled – living in remote areas, as they are no longer required to travel to the distribution centre each month to receive their vouchers. “Each card-holder receives a card carrying a value of 24 JD,” said Ala’ Shanti, Programme Manager for Islamic Relief Jordan. “This allowance is designed to last four weeks and can be redeemed in local shops. The e-card is automatically renewed on a monthly basis.” Card-holders do not have to spend their entire allowance in a single transaction, as is required by the voucher system. This means that families have flexibility to shop according to their needs. “With the dignity of our beneficiaries at the heart of the programme, shops that take part are strictly monitored to ensure beneficiaries are treated fairly, and a hotline has been set up to improve customer service.” More than 62,000 Syrian refugees have benefitted from the switch. Since the onset of the crisis in Syria, nearly 222,800 people a month have benefitted from the food aid programme to date. Islamic Relief is working inside Syria and in nearby countries including Jordan, Lebanon and Iraq to provide vital aid to those affected by the fighting. Please support our wide-reaching response to the crisis: donate to our Syria appeal today.

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