Wednesday March 23, 2016

Islamic Relief provides lifeline to 2.7 million Yemenis caught in conflict

A year ago, the long-rumbling conflict in Yemen intensified dramatically. Islamic Relief stepped up its operations in Yemen in response, and is providing vital emergency aid in besieged areas

The aim was to address the needs of Dublin’s homeless and provide them with necessary items to alleviate the anguish of sleeping rough. According to the 2011 census at least 3,808 people in Ireland were recorded as living in accommodation provided for homeless persons or persons sleeping rough.  This is a figure that has undoubtedly grown in the past 4 years is considered by major homeless charities such as the Simon Community and Focus Ireland to be highly conservative. The census also revealed that 66% of the homeless community are men, that in mind Islamic Relief Ireland created 30 ‘male hygiene packs’, each pack containing a packet of boxers, toothpaste, toothbrush, razors, shaving cream and shower gel. 30 sleeping bags along 30 thermal blankets were also included as part of the project. These items were donated to A Lending Hand, a local charity dedicated to catering to the needs of Dublin’s homeless and rough sleepers. We intend to provide on-going support to the Dublin homeless community as part of the community outreach plan of 2016. Make sure you watch this space! For more information, or if you would like to volunteer please contact: Email: [email protected] Call: 01-4141440

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